Feros Power Cell (2025)

1. Feros: Power Cells | Mass Effect Wiki - Fandom

  • May will ask Commander Shepard to obtain the power cells necessary to power the generator. They are found on a heavily damaged vehicle, down in the tunnels.

  • May O'Connell has asked you to find replacement power cells in the ruins of Zhu's Hope, in order to restore power to the colony. Alternative journal entry: You found some power cells while exploring the tunnels beneath Zhu's Hope. It's likely that someone back in the colony will be able to use them. Speak to May O'Connell near the entrance to the Zhu's Hope colony. This can be done at any time after speaking with Fai Dan for the first time, and subsequently eliminating the geth that interrupt yo

2. Power Cells - Mass Effect Guide - IGN

  • This page of IGN's Mass Effect guide is about the Power Cells Assignment Side Quest, including how to complete it.

  • This page of IGN's Mass Effect guide is about the Power Cells Assignment Side Quest, including how to complete it. It tasks you with venturing into the

3. Power Cells - Feros - Assignments | Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

4. Talk:Feros: Power Cells | Mass Effect Wiki - Fandom

  • Okay, so I think I have the Power Cells (because it is in color in my Journal), but when I try to talk to May, the dialogue is like I can't give it to her!

  • Okay, so I think I have the Power Cells (because it is in color in my Journal), but when I try to talk to May, the dialogue is like I can't give it to her! Would it help if I told you that I did...

5. Feros: Power Cells side-quest glitch? - Mass Effect - Xbox Achievements

  • 10 dec 2007 · The area where the power cells are located ( under in the tunnels ) that's infested with those dog-esque creatures, I did before I actually got the side-quest ...

  • Well, the area where the power cells are located ( under in the tunnels ) that's infested with those dog-esque creatures, I did before I actually got the side-quest to retrieve the power cells. So, when I finally do get the quest, I go back down and I get the 'Press A', well, I press 'A' and noth...

6. Zhu's Hope Assignment Tunnels - Mass Effect Guide - IGN

  • 12 jun 2024 · ... Feros. Renegades can still do these as ... Fuel Compartment - Look up to the nose of the Grizzly to get this prompt to Remove Power Cells.

  • This page of IGN's Mass Effect guide covers the Zhu's Hope Assignment Tunnels. This is where you can tackle the Geth in the Tunnels, Power Cells,

7. Auftrag: Feros: Energiezellen (Power Cells) | Lösung | Mass Effect

  • Die Energiezellen könnt ihr dem Kraftstofftankt an der Vorderseite des Fahrzeugs entnehmen, der im höhergelegenen Teil der Höhle liegt. Kehrt zu May O'Connel ...

  • RPGuides.de - Die deutsche Hilfeseite für Rollenspiele.

8. Re: Bug Report: Feros, Zhu's Hope - May/Macha Animation glitch

  • ... Feros: Power Cells and Feros: Water Restoration side quests respectively. I ended up acquiring the power cells and opening the water valves before ...

  • cant find macha anywhere on feros to complete the mission. Also once you return from the skybridge does it become locked?

Feros Power Cell (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.