Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Guide (2024)


Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Guide

Last Updated: August 9th 2024

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11.0 - The War Within

Welcome to theElemental Shaman Mythic+guide for the World of Warcraft prepatch 11.0! Here, you can find tips and tricks to maximize your damage output and ensure your character is ready to top the damage charts.

Elemental Shamans primary resource, Maelstrom, allows you to cast your most powerful spells such as ‍Elemental Blast and ‍Earthquake. Generating and spending Maelstrom efficiently, and also playing around your proccs efficiently, is the main objective.

This reworked version of Elemental Shaman now has a choice node added below ‍Ascendance, which makes it a powerful cooldown again. You still rely heavily on ‍Lava Burst, but it is now a much more satisfying spec to play.

This guide aims to be able to help anyone whether you have a great deal of experience playing Elemental Shaman or if you’re new to the spec.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Guide (1)Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Guide (2)

Elemental ShamanMythic+











  • Elemental Shamans are known for their single target turreting with Lava Burst and the many talents that empower it. They also have exceptional cleave damage through Primordial Wave, especially on spread out targets. This is something that not many other classes can do making it extremely valuable.
  • Their toolkit includes powerful defensive abilities like Astral Shift and Earth Elemental, but also strong group utility such as Wind Rush Totem and Skyfury.
  • Elemental Shamans also have strong crowd control abilities to lock down mobs in Mythic+. With the low cooldown of‍Wind Shear, you can solo interrupt some mobs that other classes cannot. Together with‍Thunderstormand‍Capacitor Totem you can lock down mobs up close and from afar.
  • However, like any specialization, Elemental Shamans have their weaknesses, one being their lack of mobility. While they can use ‍Spirit Walk or ‍Gust of Wind to move around, they are not the greatest options compared to other classes. However, you do have Spiritwalker's Grace to use during heavy movement, and if your raid has some assigned Time Spiral uses you shouldn't have much trouble.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

When to use this Spec

This is the standard Mythic+ build after the rework. You can expect new variations of both builds to be played in the pre-patch and the first few weeks of The War Within. For now, this is the most standard build that performs well in most scenarios.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Ascendance
    • Together with the new choice node below, Preeminence or First Ascendant, this becomes a powerful cooldown.
  • Primordial Wave
    • Enables you to deal great AoE damage with Lava Burst as it causes your next Lava Burst to hit all targets affected with Flame Shock.
    • This also increases your Haste by 20%, up to 40%, based on the number of enemies hit through Splintered Elements talented.
  • Fire Elemental
    • When picking Skybreaker's Fiery Demise and Echo of the Elementals, you have high uptime on Fire Elemental which greatly increases your Flame Shock damage.
  • Master of the Elements
    • Using this on Elemental Blast or Earthquake increases their damage by 15% and when played correctly noticeably improves your DPS.
  • Icefury
    • The newly reworked version plays more smoothly and is a great addition to your rotation.
  • Liquid Magma Totem
    • Instantly applies Flame Shock to nearby 3 targets and deals AoE damage to enemies near the totem.
  • Echoes of Great Sundering
    • Greatly empowers Earthquake making this your best way of dealing uncapped AoE damage.

Class Tree

  • Thunderstorm
    • When talented into Thundershock, this is one of the best AoE CCs in the game. Effectively, it works as a 2 second stun without putting anything on diminishing return, while also having a short cooldown.
  • Wind Shear
    • The shortest cooldown interrupt in the game, allowing shamans of all specs to solo interrupt certain mobs.
  • Ancestral Guidance
    • Massive off-healing CD, especially on AoE.

When to use this Spec

Another variation of Elemental in Mythic+. This version has Stormkeeper which gives you more on demand burst AoE at the loss of some single target damage. As mentioned in the other Talent build, these are bound to change in the next few weeks as people experiment and figure out what is best after the rework.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Power of the Maelstrom
    • Echo Chamber
    • Stormkeeper
  • Removed
    • Icefury
    • Fusion of Elements
    • Echo of the Elementals


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Tier Set

  • (2pc): Primordial Wave also casts an Elemental Blast at the target at 70% effectiveness, and grants you all three Elemental Blast bonus effects for 10 seconds.
  • (4pc): Lava Burst burns your target for 10% additional damage over 4 seconds. After consuming Primordial Wave, causes your next 2 casts of Lava Burst to also hit up to 3 additional targets affected by your Flame Shock for 65% of normal damage.


Opener Rotation

  • Your goal is to cast as many Lava Bursts as possible while spending Maelstrom on Elemental Blast. The opener for Elemental Shaman is extremely simple and looks ridiculous when written down.
  • You want to spam cast Lava Burst and spend Maelstrom on Elemental Blast whenever you can. You are very likely to proc Deeply Rooted Elements early on to extend your Ascendance, so this rotation can continue for approximately 30 seconds depending on your luck.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Use Fire Elemental off cooldown unless you are talented into Echo of the Elementals, then you need to wait for your main elemental to despawn first.
  2. Use Primordial Wave.
  3. Use Flame Shock if it is not active.
  4. Use Ascendance.
  5. Use Elemental Blast with Master of the Elements active.
  6. Use Lava Burst.
  7. Use Icefury.
  8. Use Frost Shock to consume Icefury, ideally with Master of the Elements.
  9. Use Lightning Bolt.

Multi Target

Opener Rotation

  • Below you can see one variation of the multi target opener rotation using the Liquid Magma Totem talent on 6 targets:
  • The idea is to generate as much Maelstrom as possible and cast as many Earthquakes as possible. With all of the randomness in this spec, making a proper opener past the first few casts is nearly impossible as you can not predict what does and does not proc. Instead, you should be focusing on learning what you want to prioritize on certain pulls. If you are fighting less than 6 targets you skip some Flame Shock casts.

Multi Target Priority List

  1. Use Fire Elemental off cooldown unless you are talented into Echo of the Elementals, then you need to wait for your main elemental to despawn first.
  2. Use Primordial Wave.
  3. Use Liquid Magma Totem.
  4. Use Flame Shock if it is not active on 6 targets.
  5. Use Ascendance.
  6. Use Earthquake if Echoes of Great Sundering and Master of the Elements is active.
  7. Use Elemental Blast with Master of the Elements active.
  8. Use Lava Burst.
  9. Use Icefury.
  10. Use Frost Shock to consume Icefury, Ideally with Master of the Elements.
  11. Use Chain Lightning on 2+ targets.
  12. Use Lightning Bolt.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Master of the Elements

  • You never want to end up in a situation where you need to cast your Maelstrom spenders, Elemental Blast or Earthquake, or your powerful Icefury empowered Frost Shocks without having a Master of the Elements buff. This means when you are NOT in Ascendance you need to plan your next casts so that you can empower your relevant abilities coming up soon.
  • The simple explanation is to alternate Lava Burst casts with your other spells instead of using all of your Lava Burst charges back to back.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

← Scroll for more Dungeons

Brackenhide Hollow

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

The Nokhud Offensive

Algeth'ar Academy

Halls of Infusion

The Azure Vault


Ruby Life Pools

Boss Tips


  • Treemouth frequently spawns 4 Decaying Slimes, which makes this fight perfect for Elemental Shamans, Spread your Flame Shocks and preferably hold your Primordial Wave for these moments.
  • You also need to stop the Decaying Slimes cast, Gushing Ooze. Use Thunderstorm and Capacitor Totem.


  • You do not want to walk close to the Rotfang Hyenas, so use Primordial Wave and mouseover Flame Shock on them to maximize your boss damage.
  • If it is talented, you can Spirit Walk out of Ensnaring Trap if you ever get caught in one.

Decatriarch Wratheye

  • You should hold Primordial Wave for each Rotburst Totem as they are the most important thing to kill on this fight.
  • Use Astral Shift on Withered Eruption.

Trash Tips

  • Hackclaw's War-Band Area
    • Use Thunderstorm to stop Claw Fighter's Vicious Clawmangle, or Bone Bolt from Bonebolt Hunters.
    • Be ready to Wind Shear whatever is needed in this area as there are a number of dangerous casts.
  • Treemouth Area
    • If you are playing a Fetid Rotsinger, be ready to kill Decay Totem when they spawn.
    • Use Thunderstorm to stop Summon Lashers from Decayed Elders to greatly reduce the damage your group takes.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Use Astral Shift if you are targeted by Ricocheting Shield.
  • Make sure you interrupt Defensive Bulwark.


  • Focus on killing Quaking Totems instantly. They spawn roughly every 40 seconds so you should be holding Primordial Wave for each totem.
  • The boss continuously summons adds, 3 melee, and one caster that requires interrupts, but thanks to these adds you always deal good damage to the Quaking Totems. Just make sure you are applying Flame Shock to the adds.
  • Rotate Astral Shift and Ancestral Guidance on the totems.

Sentinel Talondras

  • Use Astral Shift if you get Earthen Shards but make sure you use it so that it covers a Crushing Stomp as well.


  • Manually Flame Shock all the adds in the intermission.

Chrono-Lord Deios

  • You can use Spirit Walk to remove Time Sink. You can also talent into Thunderous Paws and use it but you lose some survivability removing Spirit Wolf.
  • Use Ancestral Guidance in the intermission.

Trash Tips

  • Bromach Area
    • Chain Lightning and Spiked Carapace are both very deadly so use Wind Shear and Thunderstorm to stop them.
  • Emberon Area
    • Use Astral Shift for the Runic Protector's Earthquake.
    • Stop the Earthen Weaver's Hail of Stone.
  • Chrono-Lord Deios Area
    • Make sure you interrupt Earthen Warder's Curse of Stone.
    • You can Line of Sight Ebonstone Golem's Thunderous Clap.

Boss Tips


  • Focus on killing Nokhud Saboteurs, use slows and stuns to give your group more time to kill them.
  • Rotate defensives on Shards of Stone.

The Raging Tempest

  • Use Astral Shift and Ancestral Guidance during Electrical Storm.
  • Make sure you soak orbs early in the fight to stack up Surge of Power quickly.

Teera and Maruuk

  • Use Astral Shift on Gale Arrow. This is one of the hardest hitting abilities in all of Mythic+ so you might need to stack up Spirit Wolf on higher key levels.

Balakar Khan

  • Ancestral Guidance is most effective during the intermission to help out your healer.
  • Use Thunderstorm and Capacitor Totem to stop the adds casts during the intermission.
  • Save Astral Shift for when you are targeted by a Iron Spear in P1 or a Static Spear in P2.

Trash Tips

  • Granyth Area
    • Use Thunderstorm on Rally the Clan or Hunt Prey.
    • Focus on killing Nokhud Lancemasters and interrupt their Disruptive Shout.
  • Teera and Maruuk Area
    • Desecrated Ohunas cast Rotting Wind which is a very deadly spell. You can use Thunderstorm to stop the cast but try to stop it at the last second because they are coded so that the next cast has already started when the first cast is about to finish. This allows you to stop two of their casts at the same time.
  • Balakar Khan Area
    • If you are playing Batak and Balara, remember that Balara's Vehement Charge goes on the closest target. Make sure you bait it into a wall if you are the closest, but try not to get this on you as you should be playing far enough away to where this is not a mechanic for you.

Boss Tips


  • Mana Bomb does a lot of damage over time and also explodes at the end so you should use Astral Shift or Earth Elemental. You can also Healing Surge yourself right before Mana Bomb goes off to top yourself before the big explosion.
  • At around 2 minutes into the fight there is an overlap of Mana Bomb and Arcane Fissure, make sure you have Astral Shift ready.

Overgrown Ancient

  • Use Liquid Magma Totem whenever adds spawn to spread Flame Shock. Be ready to target the Ancient Branch when it spawns.
  • Astral Shift and Earth Elemental should be used for Burst Forth.


  • Deafening Screech does increasingly more damage each stack. For the first 1-2 stacks you should be fine with only Spirit Wolf. For higher stack amounts you need to use Astral Shift and Earth Elemental. If your group plays up to 4 stacks of Deafening Screech, you may need an external on higher key levels to survive.

Echo of Doragosa

  • Use Astral Shift and Earth Elemental if you get Energy Bomb.
  • If you are at 3 stacks of Overwhelming Power, constantly position yourself so you are in a good place to drop Arcane Rift.

Trash Tips

  • Vexamus Area
    • Look out for Spellbound Scepters casting Mystic Blast and use Thunderstorm with Thundershock to stop them.
  • Overgrown Ancient Area
    • Try to play far away so you do not clutter melee with more Detonation Seeds than necessary.

Boss Tips

Watcher Irideus

  • Make sure you have Primordial Wave for the intermission to quickly kill the Nullification Devices.
  • Use Capacitor Totem to stop Nullification Devices from casting Purifying Blast.
    • Thunderstorm does NOT work to stop their casts.

Gulping Goliath

  • Use Astral Shift on Overpowering Croak.
  • Earthbind Totem, Capacitor Totem, and Thunderstorm are all very useful abilities to help slow the Curious Swoglets.
  • Quickly spread your Flame Shock to the Curious Swoglets to gain some extra boss damage but be careful so you do not take melees from them.

Khajin the Unyielding

  • Use Ancestral Guidance and Astral Shift when your healer is struggling.

Primal Tsunami

  • You can stack with the melees to spawn the Infused Globule as they spawn around player locations but you should proceed to move away so you are no longer in danger. If you are standing far away from the melees that is also acceptable just do not be too close without being stacked.
  • Use Thunderstorm and Capacitor Totem to stop the intermission adds from casting Inundate.

Trash Tips

  • Watcher Irideus Area
    • Use Wind Shear, Capacitor Totem, and Thunderstorm to stop Expulse and Demoralizing Shout.
    • Focus on killing the Containment Apparatuses.
  • Gulping Goliath Area
    • Earthbind Totem is a great way to slow the Curoius Swoglets. You can also use Poison Cleansing Totem to dispel the Gulp Swog Toxin off of your group.
  • Khajin & Primal Tsunami Area
    • Use Astral Shift for the Glacial Proto-Dragon's Deep Chill.
    • Stop Ice Shard to help your tank.

Boss Tips


  • This is a fight where you get a lot of value from Spirit Wolf and even Phial of Icy Preservation on higher keys. Explosive Brand and Consuming Stomp do massive damage.


  • There is not much to this boss, interrupt and kill the Draconic Images.
  • In the intermission you can manually Flame Shock all of the Draconic Illusions.

Telash Greywing

  • Use Astral Shift if you are targeted by Icy Devastator.
  • Stack up your Spirit Wolf for Absolute Zero.


  • At 75%, 50%, and 25% Umbralskul spawns Detonating Crystals and one Hardened Crystal. The latter has an absorb shield that needs to be broken quickly because the shield deals massive AoE damage to your group as long as it persists.
  • Make sure you have Primordial Wave and if possible, have Liquid Magma Totem ready to use on the largest stack of crystals. This is also when you want to use Ancestral Guidance and Astral Shift.

Trash Tips

  • Azureblade Area
    • Interrupt Arcane Elemental's Waking Bane and Ritual Seal Keeper's Icy Bindings. You can also use Thunderstorm to stop these casts.
  • Telash Greywing Area
    • Focus Drakonid Breakers, and use defensives on Shoulder Slam.

Boss Tips

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Use Astral Shift and Ancestral Guidance during Fiery Focus. This happens roughly every 55 seconds so rotate them accordingly.
  • Make sure you have Primordial Wave for every Fetter.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Use Astral Shift when the boss casts Might of the Forge. If you use it halfway through the cast it also covers Blazing Aegis which comes immediately following.


  • Rotate Astral Shift, Ancestral Guidance, and Earth Elemental on Magma Eruption. This mechanic lasts longer after each cast so later in the fight you should be ready to use Healing Surge, especially if you are targeted by Lava Spray.

Warlord Sargha

  • Use Cleanse Spirit whenever someone loots a pile of gold and gets affected by Curse of the Dragon Hoard. You want to cleanse all before the next Magma Shield.
  • Hold Primordial Wave for when the Magma Shield breaks.

Trash Tips

  • Chargath Area
    • Watch out for Qalashi Hunter's Bold Ambush. A random player gets leaped on and receives a massive bleed, use defensives on this bleed or remove it with Stoneform if you are a Dwarf.
  • Forgemaster Gorek Area
    • Lava Flares cast a very dangerous spell that needs to be interrupted or stopped. Coordinate with your group when you want to use Thunderstorm and Capacitor Totem.
  • Magmatusk Area
    • Wind Shear Qalashi Thaumaturge's Molten Core. You also need to stop their Magma Conflagration after the initial cast finishes and it starts a targeted channel.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • Chillstorm is the main mechanic of this fight. As it happens too frequently for Elemental Shamans to have defensives for each cast, try to weave in a Healing Surge right before it explodes when you do not have defensives.
  • During Frost Overload is the absolute best time to use Ancestral Guidance as there are whelps you can AoE for extra healing.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • Kokia casts Ritual of Blazebinding every 30 sec, which spawns a Blazebound Firestorm. This add needs to be killed asap. Elemental Shamans are very strong on this fight as Primordial Wave lines up almost perfectly.
  • Blazebound Firestorm casts Roaring Blaze which needs to be interrupted, and Kokia casts Molten Boulder at the same time which needs to be baited in a good direction. Blazebound Firestorm also casts Inferno which deals massive group-wide damage so rotate your defensives. Ideally, you kill it before the second cast of Inferno.

Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

  • In P1 Kyrakka targets one random player with Infernocore, use Astral Shift if you are targetted.
  • In P2 Kyrakka starts to apply Infernocore to multiple players so you want to nuke her down as quickly as possible. This is the best time to Bloodlust.

Trash Tips

  • Melidrussa Chillworn Area
    • You need to stop Flashfrost Earthshaper's Tectonic Slam so use your Thunderstorm on these casts.
  • Kokia Blazehoof Area
    • This area is one of the roughest in all of Mythic+, Blazebound Destroyers casts Inferno and Living Bomb which are extremely deadly. Use Astral Shift if you get Living Bomb.
    • Ancestral Guidance is extremely effective against Inferno.
    • Interrupt Primalist Cinderweavers as much as possible and use Thunderstorm to stop Primalist Flamedancer's Flame Dance.
  • Kyrakka and Erkhart Area
    • Flame Channelers cast Flashfire which can be solo interrupted by Elemental Shamans due to the short cooldown of Wind Shear.
    • Tempest Channelers and High Channeler Ryvati both cast Lightning Storm so rotate Astral Shift and Ancestral Guidance. Cover with Healing Surge if you are dying.


Learn how to effectively handle various Mythic+ Affixes as an Elemental Shaman. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon you face up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Entangling
    • You can use Spirit Walk or Thunderous Paws to remove Entangling.
  • Incorporeal
    • Hex should be talented when playing Incorporeal.
  • Afflicted
    • Poison Cleansing Totem dispels both Afflicted so make sure you use it as often as possible.
    • Talent into Cleanse Spirit and use it on the remaining Afflicted.
  • Raging
    • Since you do not have a soothe effect, try to save Wind Shear for when dangerous caster mobs reach 30%, and focus them down.
  • Bolstering
    • You should be doing your best to even out mob health. Bolstering is an affix where you should prioritize Elemental Blast over Chain Lightning.
  • Spiteful
    • Use Earthbind Totem, Capacitor Totem, and Thunderstorm to slow Spiteful Shades.
  • Sanguine
    • Most of the time you have Thundershock talented so you cannot knock mobs out of Sanguine. In certain keys, you could play without Thundershock, but it is not recommended as its stops are extremely valuable.
    • Try to not slow mobs when Sanguine is spawning. This means even holding Frost Shocks for a few seconds if you would slow mobs inside Sanguine.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as an Elemental Shaman. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Overall BiS

Farmable Alternatives

HeadGreatwolf Outcast's JawsTier / Catalyst
NeckElemental LariatCrafting
ShoulderGreatwolf Outcast's CompanionsTier / Catalyst
CloakVoice of the Silent StarSarkareth
ChestGreatwolf Outcast's HarnessTier / Catalyst
WristAdaptive Dracothyst ArmguardsCrafting
GlovesGreatwolf Outcast's GripsTier / Catalyst
BeltJeweled Sash of the ViperVolcoross
LegsGreatwolf Outcast's Fur-Lined KiltTier / Catalyst
BootsGreatwolf Outcast's FootpadsCatalyst
Ring 1Seal of Filial DutyBroodkeeper Diurna
Ring 2Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
Trinket 1Umbrelskul's Fractured HeartThe Azure Vault
Trinket 2Ominous Chromatic EssenceThe Forgotten Experiments
WeaponVakash, the Shadowed InfernoFyrakk
Off-handCalamity's HeraldNeltharion

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadHelm of Hardened GoldNeltharus
NeckTuskarr Bone NecklaceBrackenhide Hollow
ShoulderSpaulders of Wild GrowthThe Azure Vault
CloakPotion-Stained CloakAlgeth'ar Academy
ChestFatebound ChainmailUldaman
WristObsidian-Hardened WrapsNeltharus
GlovesTorrential Downpour GauntletsHalls of Infusion
BeltSwollen Bark ClaspBrackenhide Hollow
LegsStasis-Freed LeggingsThe Azure Vault
BootsBoots of Explosive GrowthAlgeth'ar Academy
Ring 1Eternal Sentry's RingUldaman
Ring 2Thunderous Downburst RingThe Nokhud Offensive
Trinket 1Tome of Unstable PowerThe Azure Vault
Trinket 2Umbrelskul's Fractured HeartThe Azure Vault
Two-Hand WeaponInfinite DragonspireUldaman
One-Hand WeaponSearing Tusk ShardNeltharus
OffhandCrystalized BulwarkThe Azure Vault


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to the recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Belor'relos, the Suncaller
    • A simple on use trinket that deals massive damage around you.
  • Desperate Invoker's Codex
    • This does decent up front damage. Make sure you don't suffer from any debuff that amplifies Nature damage taken before using this trinket.
  • Nymue's Unraveling Spindle
    • A good on use Mastery buff that you can combine with Ascendance. Make sure you don't have to interrupt the channel.
  • Ashes of the Embersoul
    • This strong 2 minute on use gives an Intellect buff with a 1 minute Haste debuff once the active portion is over.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Whispering Incarnate Icon
    • Grants a bunch of Crit when equipped and when tanks and healers equip this trinket it can proc Versatility and Haste respectively.
  • Vessel of Searing Shadow
    • This is a solid single target trinket that loses significant value on AoE.
  • Furious Ragefeather
    • A great passive damage trinket.
  • Tome of Unstable Power
    • This is a very strong passive trinket on AoE while being slightly weaker than other options on single target.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

  • Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards
    • Overall your best option.
  • Elemental Lariat
    • Your second best Embellishment.
  • Blue Silken Lining
    • A great option to put on a low item level piece while you are gearing up.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped to keep your food buff even if you die.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level, therefore, it is not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFrozen Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Critical Strike
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Critical Strike
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman


  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- Maximum DPS.
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- Less DPS but more survivability.


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
  • Residual Neural Channeling Agent -- Can be used while being dead if your potion is ready

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- A big burst of healing
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- Less healing upfront but an additional small heal over time.

Weapon Rune

  • Elemental Shamans don't use weapon runes as they don't stack with Flametongue Weapon.

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Inscribed Illimited Diamond or Fierce Illimited Diamond -- Unique, made by work order
  • Radiant Alexstraszite or Crafty Alexstraszite


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

For min-maxing an Elemental Shaman in Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • One of the most potent racials in Mythic+ currently and historically.
    • Use-cases:
      • Bursting stacks.
      • Splinterbark on Overgrown Ancient (Algeth'ar Academy).
      • Deep Chill from Glacial Proto-Dragons (Halls of Infusion).
      • Withering from Fetid Rotsingers and Brackenhide Shapers (Brackenhide Hollow).
      • Earthen Shards from Sentinel Talondras (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Stolen Time from Infinite Timereavers (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Dragon Strike from Chargath (Neltharus).
      • Bold Ambush from Qalashi Hunters (Neltharus).
    • As well as having Stoneform, Might of the Mountain is a very strong racial bonus granting Critical Strike damage which synergizes especially well with Elemental Shaman as a large portion of your damage is Lava Burst which is always a Critical Strike.
  • Blood Fury -- Orc
    • Strong racial for damage, but doesn't line up with Ascendance.
    • 20% reduced Stun duration on you which can be useful in some Mythic+ dungeons.
  • Rocket Jump -- Goblin
    • Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
    • While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
  • Berserking -- Troll
    • Strong DPS racial that lines up with Ascendance.
    • Reduce the duration of movement imparing effects by 20%.


Dwarf is the overall best racial in terms of DPS and their racial abilities have such a big impact on your Mythic+ experience that you need to play it if you are serious about pushing keys with your Enhancement Shaman.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Discover recommended macros for Elemental Shamans during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Cursor Macros

Earthquake -- Casts Earthquake on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Earthquake

Liquid Magma Totem - Uses Liquid Magma Totem on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Liquid Magma Totem

Wind Rush Totem -- Casts Wind Rush Totem on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Wind Rush Totem

Totemic Projection -- Casts Totemic Projection on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Totemic Projection

Mouseover Macros

Utility Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Elemental Shaman, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Guide (3)



Preview in new tab

Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Patch 11.0.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Elemental Shaman

Q: How many targets do you Chain Lightning over Lightning Bolt?


Written By: Clickz

Reviewed By: Wolfdisco

Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Guide (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.